
Showing posts from July, 2016

A message to the Netizens!

While we are here sitting in relatively comfortable dwellings gossiping about college, cricket or even Bollywood, complaining about stuff we don’t have and what we deserve as a nation in the 21 st century (internet connectivity is surely gonna top that list!), while we go on with our lives there is a woman raped in some war torn African nation, a child orphaned in some Arab nation under siege by a terrorist group, a country’s heritage is being destroyed, the natural wealth of some place in India is being plundered, the basic democratic rights of people in China are being trampled. We have fixated our eyes so strongly on the brightness that our future promises to hold that we miss out on the darkness spread wide in present times. We go on with our lives and there isn’t much that we can do as individuals to change the course of some place thousands of miles from where we are, but does that absolve all our responsibilities as a global citizen. Isn’t every murder that is happening

Stop The Online Madness

‘Kashmir’ - an issue so volatile it can polarize the sanest of the minds into mind numbing extremism. Whenever Kashmir is on the boil or in the headline for any reason even the most liberal sounding people on my Facebook friend-list suddenly tear apart all their identities and fall into two categories: Kashmiris (mostly living outside the state and in other parts of India) who suddenly feel the need to highlight the ‘human right abuses’ which may or may not have been happening and people from rest of India who feel the need to thump their chest and abuse Kashmiris. While the silent majority looks on, occasionally expressing its dismay over the human right abuses and occasionally supporting the anti-terror operations of our armed forces (anti –terror not anti-protestors). I have been a part of the silent majority as well, looking around at people from both sides calling each other names and ‘highlighting’ facts which in their view are suppressed by ‘vested interests’. I do not

Why we should not vouch for protectionism, again!

In the Times of India editorial DIGITAL INDIA IS DYING dated(July 4, 2016) the author has made a pitch for some sort of protectionist policies being implementing to ‘save’ the digital start-ups in India which are in a nascent stage from their international or more importantly American competitors with deep pockets. The author makes a compelling case for Flipkart, Snapdeal and OLA which are facing stiff competition from Amazon and Uber. The author airs his fears of India becoming the digital colony of America just like Europe has been while praising china for it closed market which have given it a home grown versions of google and Facebook. While I don’t dispute the writers claims about Indian digital companies facing an uphill task against their American rivals but I doubt if we should ever take sides. We had a closed economy for a good 40 years simply because we felt so burnt and exploited of foreign colonial exploitation that had just ended that we missed the global growth