
Showing posts from October, 2015

When it Started Walking for the First Time

Silence had befallen the auditorium after the thunderous applause died down that had accompanied Dr. Zutshi, the world famous doctor of prosthetic sciences. Students had been waiting for his lecture since the beginning of semester and soon it was the most talked about event in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. The doctor looked at the gathering with blank expression on his face. He wondered as to what should be his words to the students at his  Alma  mater. He had his speech ready in front of him but it did  didn't  seem right to him to brag about his achievements in a subtle way and then bore the students with his case studies. Taking a deep breath he uttered, “This  doesn't  feel right. Another lecture by another old man with very little to offer to the future. I don’t want to talk about cases and complications, you will have a lot of them in your career. If there is something that I can say to help you fellows in your future endeavours, then it does not

The Veiled Bond

Marriages are forged in heaven but the bonds of matrimony are broken here on the earth, and no one knew that better than Sanjay. With a career spanning over twenty years as a divorce attorney he knew more about breaking up families than saving them and it suited him well. But right now he wished quite the opposite. Because for now he was trying to save the marriage of his best friend Aakash who had suddenly developed a strange affinity for some college girl who met him at some seminar-or-convention. He didn’t know much about her except the fact that Aakash had been acting weird since he met her and his once a family-man best friend was today missing along with a girl half his age, leaving him to manage the wrath of his wife. As she disconnected the call from her mother, Maya’s temper seemed to flare up quickly. It had been 12 hours since she had returned from her parents’ home in Delhi and Aakash was nowhere to be found. Couple that with a photo of Aakash with that girl fro